Planning for profitability

A Grupo AVARI Signature System

You cannot just wish for profitability.
You need to plan it.

Putting up any brand and then marketing it by yourself can be done. But making a strong, equitable one? Think again.

When you have no time or money to waste, you’re going to want to make sure you’re on the right track.

Planning for Profitability covers 3 important aspects: Business Planning, Brand Strategy, & Brand Marketing.

Module 1: Business Planning
Business Planning

Refine your business strategy and get a head start. Across three volumes, we go into the critical things you need to evaluate and set your business up to succeed.

Volume 1: Business Baselining
Whether you're starting a new business, launching a new product, scaling your operations, or entering new markets, you gotta start somewhere, right? How clear your starting point is directly affects how accurate your timeline, budget, and resources projections are going to be.

Volume 2: Assessing Your Market
We need to know what the state of the business is, with respect to: the industry in which you try to exist, the market to whom you're trying to sell, and the brand players with whom you co-exist. Where do you, actually, stand? Here, we cover industry landscape analysis, the many kinds of competitors that exist within your space, and a framework that allows you to gauge forces that affects your success/failure.

Volume 3: Product Planning
Develop a systematic approach to product development, from ideation to market readiness, to selling and developing a feedback mechanism. We also cover pursuing both your passion and profitability - because they are not mutually exclusive, and we need to stop feeling guilty for wanting economic gain.

Module 2: Brand Strategy
Brand Strategy

Your guide to building a brand positively impacts your bottomline. This module is three-pronged: focus on your ideal paying customers, focus on your brand, and focus on visually representing who you are.

Volume 1: Buyer Persona
Are you obsessed with your customers? You should be. Understanding their motivators, purchase decisions, lifestyles, and preferences will affect your revenue. In this volume, we cover how to create your ideal paying customer's persona so that you can stop believing that "everyone's the target".

Volume 2: Brand Persona
After creating your buyer's persona, we then decide how your business behaves so that your buyers don't ignore you. Different brand personas resonate with different buyers. We cover the development process in this volume.

Volume 3: Brand Strategy
After Volumes 1 and 2, we now cover how to put it all together. What should your brand strategy document have? And how will should this strategy be applied for visually stunning collaterals? After all, anyone who creates anything for your brand + business needs to refer to this.

Module 3: Brand Marketing
Brand Marketing

Marketing is useless if it doesn't bring in revenue. It should also be anchored on your business objectives, but also navigate through your operational and financial capacities. And don't forget, there are infinite ways to market your business - it's not always "getting your brand out there". So how do you even start planning an appropriate campaign?

Volume 1: Marketing Plan
Here we cover the types of campaigns you can choose from and when they are appropriate, the assets you can use and how to use them, the ways to gauge whether your efforts are succeeding or not, and how to select KPIs that do not set you up to fail.

Volume 2: Elevated Social Presence
Social media amplifies your brand. All eyes are on your business and the experience everyone can expect. How can you make sure that the audience sees something valuable enough to be under the spotlight ALL. THE. TIME? We start by taking a hard look at what you show on the social space. Is it aspirational enough? Which channels can you realistically show up on? Is your brand strategy consistently reflected? Are you even relevant enough? What kinds of content are you putting up? Here we assess all this through a lifestyle marketing-led social media audit.

yes, it can be overwhelming.
so, let's make it simpler.

This series has 3 modules or a total of 8 volumes for you.

Maybe you want all of it, maybe you only want 1. A hundred percent your call. 

Let’s talk about each one.

Welcome to Module 1: Business Planning Volume 1 – Business Baselining.

Here’s the deal: We’re here to equip you with the tools for success without sugarcoating.

In this volume, we emphasize the importance of assessing your baseline. While aiming for your goals is exciting, it’s critical to be clear where you’re starting from. We’re diving deep into business baselining. 

It includes a comprehensive Baselining checklist that covers 10 categories: Setting your key objectives, market analysis,  SWOT analysis, financial projections, product/service/concept planning, operational capacities, teams and partnerships, technology and systems, legal and regulatory considerations, market testing and validation. It’s a lot, yes, but you got this. 

Access for Php 75.00:

  • 30minute Video Training to Business Baselining
  • Downloadable AVARI Business Baselining Checklist
  • Training Presentation for Module 1 Vol 1: Business Baselining

Welcome to Module 1: Business Planning Volume 2 – Assessing Your Market

In this volume, we’re uncovering the raw realities of the industry landscape. It doesn’t matter if you’re a first time business owner or you’re a serial entrepreneur — understanding your market, industry, and competitors is non-negotiable.

Let’s face it: you need to know where you stand. We’re talking hard data, cold facts, and solid statistics to fuel your strategic projections. 

Oh, and have you actually met the competition? We’ve done our research and we know exactly who you’re up against. It’s time to analyze, strategize, and take action.

Whether you decide to play nice or not, is up to you. The important thing is you know there are other players that exist in this playing field, and the role they play in your success.

Access for Php 75.00:

  • 45minute Video Training to Industry Categorization and Competitor Identification
  • Downloadable AVARI Competitor Analysis Guide
  • Downloadable Guide to Porter’s 5 Forces Checklist
  • Training Presentation for Module 1 Vol 2: Assessing Your Market

Welcome to Module 1: Business Planning Volume 3: Product Planning

In this final volume of Module 1: Business Planning, we’re simplifying the (usually) overwhelming process of developing a product or service.

At Grupo AVARI, we’ve developed a system to guide you from ideation to market readiness, all the way to sales page flow and creating feedback mechanisms.

The goal? Ideas becoming profitable realities.

Some entrepreneurs find themselves in a ‘chicken-and-egg’ situation, not knowing where to begin. But, know this: intentional product development is crucial. Don’t just go with your gut – strategy drives revenue.

This volume will help you from brainstorming to reality-checking, production, and launch planning. Think of this as your creative haven for ideas, with feasibility and profitability to keep you grounded.

We will also tackle in this volume the burning question: where does profitability fit into pursuing your passion? Spoiler alert: passion and profits aren’t mutually exclusive.

So, we’ve got ambitions to chase. Are you in?

Access for Php 75.00:

  • 45minute Video Training to AVARI’s Product Development System
  • AVARI Product Development System Airtable Template
  • Training Presentation for Module 1 Vol 3: Product Planning

Welcome to Volume One: Buyer Persona – where customer obsession isn’t just a suggestion; it’s critical to making your brand a money-making machine.

In this volume, we will go into the psychology of buyer personas, learning how to uncover their desires, motivators, and aspirations, and understanding how these affect their buying decisions.

So, tell me, are you obsessed with your customers? 

Access for Php 75.00:

  • 30minute Video Training to AVARI’s Product Development System
  • Downloadable AVARI Buyers Persona Workbook
  • Training Presentation for Module 2 Vol 1: Buyer Persona

Welcome to Volume Two: Your Brand Persona, where we decide how your business behaves so that your buyers don’t ignore you.

We talk about how different brand personas resonate with different buyers. We cover the development process in this volume.

Don’t settle for superficiality, creating a strong isn’t a mere exercise in aesthetics. It’s thoughtful process deciding the best way to connect with your audience.

In today’s competitive landscape, authenticity isn’t enough, relevance is the currency that drives customer purchasing decisions.

Access for Php 75.00:

  • 30minute Video Training to Developing Your Brand Persona
  • Downloadable AVARI Brand Persona Workbook
  • Training Presentation for Module 2 Vol 2: Brand Persona

Welcome to Volume Three: Brand & Visual Strategy,  where building a brand isn’t just about creating pretty visuals – it’s about the strategy that encourages meaningful connections that drive business growth.

In this volume, we cover a blueprint for building a strong and cohesive brand strategy. From defining your brand’s behavior, to creating compelling messaging, and then establishing a consistent visual language. The goal is to be strategic on how your business is represented in all interactions it has with everybody else. 

We harness the Power of Pretty and leveraging the Aesthetic-Usability Effect, a cognitive bias. We explore the profound impact that design can have on perception and user experience.

Through insightful guidance and practical advice, the goal is to ensure that every design decision is made strategically.

Access for Php 75.00:

  • 30minute Video Training to Developing Your Brand & Visual Strategy
  • Downloadable AVARI Brand Strategy Checklist
  • Training Presentation for Module 2 Vol 3: Brand & Visual Strategy

Welcome to Module 3, Volume One: Marketing Plan. In this part of the series we cover the types of campaigns you can choose from and when they are appropriate, the assets you can use and how to use them, the ways to gauge whether your efforts are succeeding or not, and how to select KPIs that do not set you up to fail.

  • Campaign Planning: They are limitless directions you can take for a marketing campaign, and they may all be right for a lot of businesses. They can also cause a total sht show for many others. How do you know which ones will give you the best chance at hitting your business goals, given the realisic resources that are available to you?
  • Tactical Planning: In this section, we talk about the different assets at your disposal. Why is this important, when you need to impact the business positively? Because all channels and efforts you pay attention to, costs something – sometimes it’s money, sometimes it’s time and energy. All of these are invaluable resources to your business. You need to know what you’re spending it on, and if it’s worth it.

  • Performance Tracking: Your goals change depending on where you are in your journey and the initiative you actually are working on. You need to know which ones are appropriate for you right now.

Over here, we like thinking things through. Some might even call it overthinking LOL. In any case, we love it. We’re not going to gamble our business’ success based on what we feel like we should be doing. You shouldn’t either.

Access for Php 75.00:

  • 45minute Video Training to Developing Your Marketing Plan
  • Downloadable AVARI Campaign Planning Guide
  • Downloadable AVARI Tactical Planning Worksheet
  • Downloadable AVARI Tactical Planning Worksheet
  • Training Presentation for Module 3 Vol 1: Marketing Plan

Welcome to  Module 3 Volume 2: Elevated Social Presence – your comprehensive guide to optimizing your social media presence through a lifestyle marketing approach.

In today’s competitive digital landscape, it’s essential to ensure that your social media strategy is aligned with your business objectives and resonates with your target audience. This volume talks about how social media amplifies your brand – all eyes are on your business and the experience everyone can expect. How can you make sure that the audience sees something valuable enough to be under the spotlight ALL. THE. TIME?

This toolkit includes an Elevated Social Media Presence Audit that covers:

  • Comprehensive Channel Analysis: a detailed overview of your social media channels, including performance metrics, audience demographics, and engagement trends. Identify strengths and weaknesses across platforms to inform your strategy
  • Audience Insights: Understand your audience better with in-depth demographic and psychographic data. Discover who your followers are, what they’re interested in, and how to tailor your content to meet their needs.
  • Content Evaluation: Evaluate the effectiveness of your content strategy and identify opportunities for improvement. Analyze engagement metrics, content themes, and posting frequency to optimize your approach.
  • Competitive Benchmarking: Compare your social media performance to industry benchmarks and competitor profiles. Identify gaps and opportunities to differentiate your brand and stay ahead of the competition.
  • Actionable Recommendations: Receive recommendations based on your audit findings to guide your strategic decision-making. From content optimization to audience targeting, our toolkit provides practical insights to drive results.

Access for Php 75.00:

  • 45minute Video Training to Developing Your Marketing Plan
  • Downloadable AVARI Elevated Social Media Audit
  • Training Presentation for Module 3 Vol 2: Elevated Social Presence

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